What do you see when you look at me?
I mean really look at me?
What’s the first word that comes to your
Do you see the good or the bad?
My curves or my edges
My hair
My smile or the colour of my skin
My scars, marks or tattoos
My past
I’m not here to take pride in my past
Or the names I have been called
This is not the MTV VMAs
Amber and Blac Chyna already did that
This is my testimony
It was a cold November night
A few years ago
I needed a fix
Braving the weather I walked out of my
On the lonely roads of the city
Looking for the one thing I felt would
make me better
It was a long walk
But I eventually found it
The little shop, tucked in a corner
This was my life
From one fix to the next
One high to the other
Upping the doses
Switching the sources
Shame, filth, guilt
Addiction, hopelessness, despair
Lost… and I didn’t even know it
I remember the first time I heard the
Of the one who came to set the captives
Who died that I might live
And whose blood could cleanse me
And who could save from that which was
too strong for me
At first I didn’t understand
How could I?
But he tugged at my heartstrings
The one who claimed to love me in spite
of it all
So I prayed.
Today, I am man
Or should I say ‘woman’
Created in the image of God
A reflection of the most High
Forged with sword made of better than
Valyrian steel
The sword of the Spirit- The word of God
Words pure as silver tried in a furnace
of earth, purified seven times
Sharper than any two-edged sword
Like fire
And like a hammer which shatters a rock
I’ve had some work done; I’m not ashamed
of this…
All the works, and some nips and tucks
here and there
No, not by Dr McDreamy
But by the Great physician
I am the clay, He is the potter
I am a branch of the true vine, He the
He is like an eagle hovering over its
nest, overshadowing its young,
Then spreading its wings, lifting them
into the air, teaching them to fly
God alone leads me
He has made me into a polished arrow and
concealed me in his quiver
I am God’s masterpiece
And this label, I will proudly wear.
Image source: http://www.lovethispic.com/image/168453/gods-masterpiece