Wednesday, 31 January 2018

A Little Light, Please

I was not ready for 2018.
I woke up one morning in December 2017 shocked to find that there were only a few days left in the year. At this time, I had a lot of things that I wanted to sort out before the end of the year. Instead, after some soul searching, a long phone conversation with an old friend, and a quick face-to-face one with one of my teachers, I knew that there was no way I could tie up all the loose ends.
I felt like an athlete at the starting point of a marathon, who stoops down to lace up her shoes at the exact time the starting gun is fired.
And I pause, wondering if I should back out of the race and just go home.
How do you win when you are already so far behind at the very beginning?
Or maybe, I should just lace up my shoes and run at my pace.
Give me a little light, please.

So, 2018 happened to me.
I chose option two, but did I really? The race would go on anyway, and deep down I knew I had to dust myself up and try, at the very least.
So, I kept it simple with only one resolution for starters. I would add the others along the way.
Now, January has come and ‘is going’ and I am doing this little reflective piece. I worked most of January and must admit that it has flown by pretty quickly because I was always working. However, it’s been a great month as I have somehow, through God’s help, stayed on track with my resolution (minus three or four days). This is pretty good. We are celebrating small victories this year right?
There were a few surprises this month also, particularly at work.
This has emboldened me to make an actual list of the-things-I-want-to-do-in-February.
Give me a little strength, please.

My favourite Bible verse in January is Matthew 16:19 (MSG): “You will have complete and free access to God’s kingdom, keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A Yes on earth is a Yes in heaven. A No on earth is a No in heaven.”
So YES to a beautiful new month.
Yes to clarity and boldness, as God’s Light shines on our Path and leads us safely through the darkest nights.

“Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light,” Genesis 1:3

This post is inspired by the writers at There’s a whole month of beautiful and inspiring writing on this topic on their website.

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