Keep Moving
"The lazy man says, “There is a lion outside!
I shall be slain in the streets!” Psalm 22:13
Hi everyone, it's been a very long time and this was not the plan...
I was going to write something (anything) at least once every week (or two), but life...
I have started writing at least a dozen times but stopped halfway because, no sense...
Even right now, the creative juices are not flowing and something tells me to stop...
"You can't post this..."
"This makes no sense..."
"This is not the least bit creative..."
"Nobody is going to read this (Had to leave Facebook and Twitter because life...)..."
"Absolutely no publicity..."
But the other voice says "I should keep moving..."
You see, if I keep stopping at every negative thought, I'll never do anything...
I have to write something (or anything), if I am to keep writing...
And it's not just writing...
It's life generally...
I have to keep moving in every area of my life...
Keep praying...
Keep seeking...
Keep knocking...
Keep reading...
Keep working...
Keep hoping...
Keep building...
Keep digging...
Keep believing...
Keep following Jesus Christ...
Keep the faith...
So I'll write something (anything)...
Knowing that this, even this, is a step in the Right (Write) direction...