I cannot be stopped
I cannot be killed
Truth is the fire on my tongue,
The burden in my heart
In my search for truth, I found more than I bargained for
You see, when truth is revealed, lies are exposed
Now all I see around me are lies
But that is okay because truth lives within
Oh I had to be stripped
This was easy
I started reading about truth and the bad habits dropped like flies
Suddenly I realised that
The body was not made for sexual immorality but for The Lord,
Words bring life and death,
Bad habits can only be effectively replaced by good habits.
Surely this should be enough
This must be truth!
But there was a burning in my heart...
It's never enough to clean only the outside of a cup
The inside must be cleaned too
In focusing on the outside, I had chased the filth inside
Where it remained buried
Under a blanket of lies:
Lies that I had found truth
Lies that I could make it on my own
Lies that I had been set free
Truth would not stay hidden
Before long, the outside was dirty again
I could not believe it
I had been so strong
I had been so good
Then it came to me
You can never be strong enough
You see, that is pride, and truth hates pride
Pride keeps people from searching for truth
I had to lose my pride
I had always been proud of my mind
Now it felt as if all my life I had been living a lie
I had never felt darkness so thick
But I got pockets of truth from people around me
The most unlikely people
Truth that there is beauty in a dying autumn leaf
"Nothing ever looked so beautiful in death" he said
Truth that among other religions, the church gives hope
Truth cannot be contained in religion.
Religion is about rights and wrongs
Truth is that when you strip off all the lies, there is but one truth
Not that 'there is only one God'
even the heathen knows that
but that there is ONLY one way to him
Truth travels light
Truth knows that it is never about the applause
Truth knows that it must never show fear
Truth knows that it must never compromise
Truth knows that there will always be voices in it's head but truth has to silence all the other voices to hear the only one that matters
Truth is restless
Truth must keep looking for ways to expose lies
I found peace on getting truth,and lost it in the process
Now truth is scared
Truth wants to sleep
But the voices won't let it
I lost my innocence when I found truth
And now I want it back
Truth is scared
Truth knows that it must be protected
Truth needs partners
Truth needs helpers
And truth is searching for a place to call home
But truth is restless
There is a whole world out there
Truth is scared
Truth just wants to sleep
But lies won't let it
Phew! Nice opinion Great write up