Thursday 5 January 2017

Tides- What on Earth is this blog about?

I knew very little about tides until yesterday *covers face*.

The risk you take when you blog about learning new things is that the readers may already know much more about them than you do. But that’s fine because this is not an educational blog and I am not really aiming to teach or preach. However, some others may not know about them, so yay, let’s learn together.

This brings me to the question I have not really answered, which is, what is this blog really about? What do I aim to achieve by blogging?

A friend of mine started a radio show today and she took great pains to outline and explain what the show is about. I think this is very helpful for the listeners as they know exactly what they are tuning in to. It also helps the show host to remain focused and build followers in her niche.

My pilot blog post was about love, as it should be. However since then I have written about faith, first dates, weight loss, exercise, birds, movies, etc. I have written fiction, truth, and a mixture of both. I have written poetry, essays and stories.

So what exactly is this blog about?

According to my bio, “I once feared that my voice was not strong enough; then I lost it”.

This is true.

Prior to starting this blog, I had a lot of fears about my abilities. I almost did not start because I wondered if anybody would read anything I wrote. But I was just beginning to find my voice and did not want to lose it again. So I wrote. [Thanks for reading!]

This blog was initially about finding my voice. I wanted to be as authentic as possible. I still want to. So I wrote and I still write about the things I care about.

Sometimes I am tempted to focus on the topics that have the highest read stats. But some of the posts I really care about have the lowest L, so I can’t.

I pray this blog is a place of hope, encouragement, learning, laughter, love, and faith. Even though the posts may seem all over the place, I believe each one of them reflects one of more of the above themes.

We’ll have to talk about tides another day.  However, the tide was low today and I was able to see and walk on parts of the beach that I couldn’t see when the tide was high.

I pray that this year, on this blog, we will have new good experiences and walk on pleasant and beautiful places that we didn’t know last year. In Jesus name, Amen.

This blog post was inspired by the beach and my friend Loliya. So please tune in to every Thursday at 8pm for 'In Conversation', a platform that encourages a reading attitude and knowledge sharing on topics such as personal development, science, and faith. The show will also provide links to materials for inspiration and growth.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so i decided to read 1 story/post a day, was scrolling to pick one for my ride to work and two posts stuck out.. the birthday post(a yr older today) and this. Grateful i picked this!
