Wednesday 4 January 2017

Wonder lost?

Wonder (Noun): “a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.”

Oh, I do not want to lose my sense of wonder

To walk beside the ocean without pausing

To leave uninspired by the powerful waves crashing at the seashore

To not observe the different colours and shapes of the stones at the beach

To briefly note the five birds that seemed to hit the ground at exactly the same moment, then look away

To follow a well beaten path without thinking of the first one; the first man

To witness a mini sandstorm without amazement

To see the beautiful interaction between man and nature and just walk on by

To take a picture of the beautiful sky without acknowledging the artist

To have wonderful experiences and brush them off as coincidences

... How did the pastor know to preach about the same things I studied this morning?
... How did my mistakes and unplanned journey lead me to meeting and staying in the home of this lovely woman?
... What were the odds that she would be my birthday mate?

To see God and not recognise Him

To hear His voice and not pause to listen

Oh I want to feel a sense of awe

To see Your strength in the ocean and the wind

Your creativity in our differences, talents and gifts

Your beauty in the skies

Your faithfulness in the constancy of day and night, of winter and summer

Your Love in Jesus Christ

Oh I long to be filled with Awe

To look at you God with childlike faith

And say Abba, Father

Reference: Oxford dictionaries
Pictures: Author’s own
Please listen to: Wonder by Bethel Music


  1. To have wonderful experiences and brush them off as coincidence... #deep

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. This year I want to pause, listen, and see God in little everyday experiences.

  2. Lol i was just going to point out that bit about wonderful experiences coming off as a mere coincidence...maybe my alter ego was here first!

  3. We serve a God of 'no-coincidence'...

  4. We serve a God of 'no-coincidence'...
